Clinical Research

How Much Do You Know About Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are ways in which new ways to treat new or existing diseases can be found out. While these trials help doctors find new treatments, they also help patients have a chance to try a treatment, which can help future patients to be treated effectively if all goes well in the trial. However, when something needs to be tried, it is important that one knows all the truth about it. But, there are certain myths that people believe in, which is affecting clinical trials and their participation. Here are some common myths that people believe in.

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Myth: Children are not allowed to participate in clinical trials

One myth that is doing the rounds is that children are not allowed to participate in clinical trials. However, this is not true. Children are allowed to participate when they have the permission of their legal guardian. Nevertheless, the child must be old enough to understand what the clinical trial is about. And, if they are mature enough, the research team may ask for their written consent too.

Myth: You have to be terminally ill to take part in a clinical trial

There are certain clinical trials that focus on testing the treatments on terminally ill patients. But, this is not the case with all clinical trials. There are many trials who want healthy volunteers as well, as this helps researchers collect data that can be used to compare with those who suffer from a particular disease or condition. Thus, it isn’t always necessary that you need to be terminally ill to take part in a clinical trial.

Myth: You can’t participate if your primary doctor isn’t involved in the research

Even if your primary doctor isn’t doing the actual research, you can take part in the clinical trial. You can let your doctor know that you are interested in joining the study, and he will let you know if you are eligible for the particular study or not. He will also assist you in getting copies of your medical record to the right people.

Myth: You need to give up your current treatment to join a clinical trial

Researchers would generally suggest you to stay on your current medical treatment along with the clinical trial, hoping that the combination will give them the best results. However, if you haven’t seen any benefits from your current treatment, joining a clinical trial could be a way to fight the disease. Also, if the clinical trial is not working for you, or you have a negative reaction to the trial, you can always go back to your original treatment.

Myth: All clinical trials use only placebos

Placebos help researchers learn whether a new treatment works better than a currently being used standard treatment. Some trials use placebos in the form of an injection, pill, or liquid, which look like the trial treatment, but don’t actually affect the illness. And, clinical trials who use placebos will always mention the same in the consent form. Not necessarily all clinical trials use placebos.

Now that all your myths may have been cleared, you will be in a better position to participate. However, if you want to be on the other end of the clinical trial, that is, you are willing to be on the researcher side, and not on the patient or participant side, you will need to undergo proper courses from a reputed institution, where you can learn from professionals and experts. Avigna Clinical Research Institute is one such institute where you can gain appropriate knowledge and training, and achieve a legitimate PG diploma clinical research in Bangalore, which can help you gain amazing job opportunities anywhere in India.

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